Her Thoughts



Upside Down World

When you feel as though the world is topsy turvy, when everything around you seems overwhelming, when you are pulled in seemingly multiple directions, then it is time to assess where you are and consider your perspective.

Focus on what you can control and let go what is beyond your control. Life happens, and you decide its effect on you. Your decision might lead you to options you weren’t aware of.

Events happen for us, not to us. Find the benefit in the drawback. The drawback cannot exist without the benefit to balance it. That’s the universal principle at work.

You never get a loss without a gain, a negative without a positive, a “bad” without a “good,” a mean without a nice, a left without a right, a down without an up, a sad without a happy, a North without a South, or East without a West. One doesn’t exist without the other! The list goes on.

We live in a dualistic three-dimensional world. If the world appears upside down, find where it is right-side up. Look for the balance, it’s there if you dig deep enough!

And while the world might seem upside down, why not find out what you are learning through that experience?

The answer is already there, when you are willing to find it.