Her Thoughts




Some people see the world as a warm, nice place. Others see it as a cold, mean place. Which is it? How do you see it?

You see the world as you are. You derive meaning about the world by the way you perceive it and how you fit into it.

Your perceptions are your reality and your truth is based on what you believe.

If you believe the world is a cold, mean, hard place, you’ll come out ready to fight about everything because you view your environment as challenging. Everybody is out to get everybody, including you, and you aren’t going to let that happen.

On the other hand, if you believe the world is a warm, nice, soft place, you’ll come out ready to nurture and view your environment as supportive. Everybody is here to help each other and be together in harmony singing Kumbaya.

Both are illusions.

Ultimately, the world is in actuality both "mean" and "nice."

Opposites exist together. Both must be present for one to be recognized.

Up with down, in with out, east with west, peace with war, left with right, top with bottom, north with south, pain with pleasure, hot with cold, infatuation with resentment…the duality is endless.

Therefore all the "nice" people have a "mean" side, and all the "mean" people have a "nice" side.

Keep looking for it in you and you will find it in others.