Her Thoughts



Speaking With Credibility – How authentic are you?

When you speak, how do people hearing you know that they should listen to what you have to say?

Authenticity – a word you hear, yet do you know what it means? Authenticity contributes to your believability. Authentic means to be sincere, genuine and reliable.

That means when you speak, and you are authentic, you have created the notion of sincerity with those who listen to you. When you speak, and you are authentic, you had better know what you are talking about because people will rely on your message!

Through your life’s journey you acquire skills and have inherent talents that you apply to achieve the success you obtain. Beyond your knowledge and expertise, though, is the feeling you stir in people who listen to you.

Do you enjoy what you are sharing as you speak? Do you believe what you are saying? Do you want your listeners to believe you? Do your listeners find value in what you are saying? Can your listeners tell that you care that what you say is true and important for them?

The answers to these questions would be a resounding YES! …if you are authentic!

Let’s look at three principles that relate to your authenticity:

  1. Be sincere – Demonstrate you have an interest in your listeners obtaining the information you give them. Whether you are in a meeting, a conference or a conversation, people want to know that you want them to have the information you are sharing. Focus on your message to them and recognize its impact on their jobs, their income, their relationships, or even their health. Ask them questions as you speak so they can respond and offer you additional information that can help you help them. Use active listening skills: nodding your head, making eye contact that show your concern for their welfare.
  2. Be genuine – Indicate you are engaged with your listeners. Look approachable by opening your stance, shaking hands, smiling. Speak in their language instead of above or below their understanding. Connect with them at a level that elicits a feeling of trust and connection to you. Consider carefully the words you choose as you speak to them. Your genuine interest in them encourages them to open up to you to develop the relationship you have with each other.
  3. Be reliable – Develop trust with your listeners through identifying your sources in your topic or subject. When you are giving advice, your listeners believe you because you have expertise and a base of knowledge they can rely on. Quote yourself based on your experience in a particular area. Quote sources that are founded on years of research. Investigate the information you are sharing before you offer a course of action or suggestions. Therefore, they know that you know what you are talking about! Remember, in today’s world, the internet is at everyone’s fingertips. Whoever is listening to you is also reading on line! And one more thing, be enthusiastic! People are drawn to you because you are inspired by doing what you love and sharing it!

I can help you discover the inspiration to present your message with authenticity. Call me.